-I wrote about a series of energy related paradigms that require shifting. One paradigm every week. This is number six-


What is energy? I have raised this question to thousands and thousands of people in audiences all over the world, many of which consisted of energy professionals. Hardly anyone came up with a clear and correct answer. Most of them said something like the answers you see in above image.

Note the answer I got in Barcelona.

The thing is: we have no clue about the origins of our basic needs anymore. Just like children who believe that milk comes out of a milk factory, most adults do not realize where their energy comes from.

The answer is actually very simple: energy is the ability to do work. If I eat, my body converts my food into an energy resource, so that I can do work. If I convert a resource into electricity I can let machines work for me.


Our lack of understanding the origin of energy works just like our disconnect from the origins of our food. If we full well realize that a cellophane packaging with the word “chicken fillet” printed on it was once a living and breathing animal with a beating heart, and that we hired some anonymous person to kill it for us, the world would count many more vegetarians. If we were to raise the chicken ourselves, and then kill it with our own hands before we could eat it, even more people would choose to let it live.

19 people work for you, 24/7

The fact that we have no clue about the energy we use makes it easy for us to over-consume. The oil, coal and gas we burn was once a plant, an animal, or even a human being. If our basic energy needs for heating, cooking and lighting our homes would be covered by human labour, each and every European or American household would have to hire 19 people 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Another comparison: we consume the equivalent of lifting 20 thousand cars all the way to the top of the Eiffel tower every year.

"Do you know what that means?"

Today I am at Kwale Girls' High School in Kenya to assist with our TwoBillionEyes project, where we provide amazing eyeglasses to people who cannot afford them otherwise, enabling them to fulfill their dream of completing an education.

It means that every African can be freed from their prison of poverty

I brought a WakaWaka Base –a foldable solar panel powering my phone and light- with me. The first Base to hit the African continent. As I put it out in the sun for a recharge, it drew the attention of Bessy, one of the teachers. I told her about my wish for every African to create electricity out of sunlight so that they can light their homes and charge their phones. Her mouth fell open: “Do you know what that means? It means that they can access the world through their smartphones. It means that women have to spend much less time and money fulfilling their families’ basic energy needs, creating stronger families. It means that every child can do their homework thanks to electric light. It means that every African can be freed from their prison of poverty and build a future.”

 Bessy knows exactly what energy is.

Arash (1977), entrepreneur, startup coach, speaker, sets up an impact growth fund that empowers people to build their economy of abundance. Watch his TEDx here.

You can read Arash' other articles in this series here:

Paradigm #1: No energy savings will save us

Paradigm #2: Alternative is not alternative

Paradigm #3: Thank you fossil fuels!

Paradigm #4: Colonialism is over? Think again

Paradigm #5: Leave Africa to the Africans


Paradigm #5: "Leave Africa to the Africans"

Paradigm #5: "Leave Africa to the Africans"

Last night I arrived in Kenya. One big reason for this travel is to validate a couple of ideas -energy and currency-related- that kept me busy over the past months. I decided to go for it, book a ticket, and see where things would take me. My aim was to meet as many people as I could: startup entrepreneurs, software developers, mobile currency initiatorssolar power distributors. The answer to my questions was given to me hours before I even landed: Fati, the Guinean lady sitting next to me told me to "Leave us alone, that is 90% of the solution already"

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Paradigm #4: Colonialism is over? Think again.

Paradigm #4: Colonialism is over? Think again.

Last year I visited Niger for the first time in 26 years. I grew up in a family of development workers and lived in West Africa until I was eleven. The school I attended had no electricity, and as you can see in the header picture we were lucky to have electric light and even television in our home.

Today Niger is the 9th most energy-poor country in the world. Less than 15% of the population has access to electricity. 

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Paradigms that require shifting #3: Thank you fossil fuels!

Paradigms that require shifting #3: Thank you fossil fuels!

There is nothing wrong with fossil fuels

Fossil fuels are a product of nature. What could possibly be wrong with them?

We should be thankful for fossil fuels. Let's face it: ever since we started to burn our soil we've gone faster than ever before. We may thank our food, our light, and our heat to oil, coal, and gas.

And there is something even much bigger that we may thank fossil fuels for:

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10 energy paradigms that require shifting - #1: no savings will save us

10 energy paradigms that require shifting - #1: no savings will save us

Change the world? Change the way you see it

I have decided to write about a series of energy related paradigms that require shifting. One paradigm every week, ten weeks in a row. This series of short posts serves you to gain understanding of our energy needs, the energy system as we know it, and the changes required to contribute to a world we can happily live in. This is the first one:

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We are all addicted to fire. Our energy system and even our entire economy are built upon the fact that we burn stuff: oil, coal, gas, uranium, wood and many other products of nature are consequently incinerated by us humans, all with the intention to fulfill our energy needs. But how do we overcome our addiction? And what will we ensure our progress with?

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Arash speaks at TEDx LancasterU - How losing everything is the perfect opportunity to win anything

In his talk Arash shares about his personal journey and how losing everything can give the opportunity to win anything.

Arash Aazami founded the world's first energy interdependence company: BAS - Benefit to All Stakeholders, which quickly grew into a serious alternative to conventional energy companies and became one of The Netherlands fastest growing companies and whose business model, the Path to Zero, won two categories at 2014 MIT Climate CoLab Challenge. He recently resigned from the board of his company to dedicate his time to empower people and organisations to find and utilise their full potential.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx



Energy and Empowerment: A Word with Arash Aazami

Energy and Empowerment: A Word with Arash Aazami

Sharlene Gandhi speaks to Dutch entrepreneur Arash Aazami about energy, the economy, and where our decreasing supply of resources will take us. 

The vast majority of us most likely do not even think about the amount of energy we require on a daily basis; as I sit writing this piece at my laptop, listening to the Your Coffee Morning playlist on Spotify, simultaneously checking my emails on my iPhone, under the somewhat atmospheric lighting provided by my desk lamp, an unimaginable flow of electrons is working tirelessly to ensure I have little trouble with these tasks. You, as well, most likely would not be reading this article without the help of energy...

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a new business is born

a new business is born

Over the past few months many of you have asked me what my next business step would be. The easiest would be to start a new company around another crazy concept, but that would limit me to working out a single idea, while my head kept spinning around tons of new ones. A company is a means to an end, and not an end in itself. My wish is to serve the end.

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